quinta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2009

Jakarta - Indonesia

Pelabuhan - Sunda Kelapa Harbor 1527 DC

Olha que interessante, um pouco de história.
Como todos nós sabemos o Brasil foi descoberto
no ano de 1500 DC, neste período já existia
este porto. Vamos dar uma olhada.

This 500-year old harbor area was a vital link to
the markets of the outside world for the 15th Century
Kingdom of Pajajaran. Since them this port has belonged
to teh Portuguese and Ducth. Though little remains of
bustling old Sunda Kelapa except the name, the harbor
is still one of the most important calls for sailing vessels
from all Indonesia. The magnificient and brightly painted
Makassar schooner called Phinisi are still an important
means of transporting goods to and from the outer islands.

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